If you need assistance we have people that can help you, just send a request to the Webmaster and we'll contact you..
When you have completed this setup, you will submit your data to the "CDE Upload format test",  which is "2. CDE Upload (required Format Test)" under Secretary Tools. If you can view your data, it also means we can read it. After this step you will notify the Webmaster that you have run the test and that all was ok. He will then authorize you to the live upload link.
In summary, configure your CDE Software, test your output, get authorized, then upload your awards.
Part 1 - Report Setup
1. Make sure you're on the BLS Home screen for your league.

Next select a league.
2. Click on menu item J11
3. Click "Other Awards" in the user defined report section in the lower part of the list.
4. Modify the report fields to reflect the following
  • Title - SEMNUSBC Weekly (Changes name in left column when entered)
  • Type - Awards List
  • Report Heading - Official Report
  • Order - Alphabetical (toggles to Sort by Bowler when next field is updated)
  • Which Scores - This Week Only
  • Set to Print the following toggles
    • USBC
    • Bowler Center Awards
    • Local Assoc. Awards
    • State Assoc. Awards
    • Awards earned more than once
  • Leave the rest set to Omit
5. Click on Change Style.
6. Click on Style 99 "Awards: Detailed List".
7. Click the Copy Icon - Second Icon from the right in the icon bar across the top of the screen.
8. Click on 1-40: Your Blr Styles.
9. Click on "21 Weekly & Season Series".

Note: Remember the number you choose.
10. Click on the Paste Button - Last button on the right in the icon bar across the top of the screen You will be asked, "Are you sure you want to copy style 99 to 21?" Answer Yes
11. Set the Style Title to "SEMNUSBC Weekly"
12. Click on Hide This panel button
13. Respond Yes to the prompt about changing the style
14. You will need to change the Data Items in current style
  • Add the following 3 items to the right column by selecting each on the left then clicking the Add Item
    • Week's Date
    • Bowler's ID Number
    • USBC Sanction Number
  • Remove the following 4 Data Items by selecting each on the right column and clicking the Remove Item
    • Award Bowler's Age
    • Add A Space(There are 3 of these)

  • Put the Data Items in the following order by selecting the item on the right and using the Move Item Up or Move Down buttons
    • Week Number
    • Week's Date
    • Award Bowler's Name
    • Bowler's ID Number
    • USBC Sanction Number
    • Book Average
    • Award Number of Games
    • Award Bowler's Average
    • Award Games & Series
    • Award Score
    • Award Earned

15. Click on "Use This", then escape (Check in upper left) on the next screen. Close BLS-2008
Part 2 - Local Awards Quick Setup     (Warning: Must at Least be at level 20.04.04 dated 02/04/2008)
1. These steps add all the PB, State, and Local Awards from our master file. You must be running BLS Version 20.04.04 dated 02/04/2008 or later. Make sure your League and System Files are backed up.. If you are not, exit now and return when your program is updated. Earlier versions will not work, and may corrupt your data.

Download and Save the Awards Configuration file from our site to your Desktop:

Click here to download our zip file.

2. Launch BLS and Select B)League and File Maintenance -> Restore Data -> 7: Restore Local Awards

3. If presented with a warning screen click through. If asked to insert Diskette A: select Cancel

4. When the open box appears select the file '' that you placed on your desktop and click Open.
5. When the success screen appears, click OK. Next we'll create a report that uses these awards.
Part 3 - Viewing and Exporting
1. Click on menu item J11
2. Select the report in the user reports section you created above
3. Click the Preview Button
4. From the display of the report, click the "Export this report to a text file" Button
5. Specify a name and set File Format to "Comma Delimited"
6. Click the Export button
7. Remember where you saved it! This is the file you BROWSE to from the Upload page Now Upload with this link for a test.

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